Why “Death Slayer?”

The human body, honestly, wasn’t evolved to last much more than 40-50 years. Once you’re done reproducing, Nature is pretty much done with you. That’s when we start feeling the slow down.

But we will not go quietly into that good night! It is possible to resist Nature’s instance. We do it all the time. The truth is that we can hold off decline and death, even if we can’t kill death entirely. Yet.

This image is of an Indo-Tibetan meditation deity, named Yamanaka (Yah MAHN Tah Kah). Yama means death, and antaka means Ender. He is the wrathful aspect of enlightened wisdom, that clears every delusion standing in the way.

In his 17 right arms he holds weapons against every kind of obstacle, in his left, tools for enlightenment. His 16 legs crush every kind of animal and bird. He’s wrapped in an elephant skin, which was the military tank of those days. The ultimate badass!

Personal Training Backed by Science

Jim is a Personal Trainer with experience as a Physical Therapy Aide and as a Medical Assistant.

Here is my own story: about age fifty, I was really feeling it. Shorter of breath, pudgy in the middle and weaker all the time. Concerned and curious, I became interested in medical science, got certified as a Medical Assistant, then worked in physical therapy and addiction recovery.

As some point I became convinced that diet and exercise can cure almost anything, so I started working out and changing my eating patterns, then I became a personal trainer.

This is about what I’ve learned that I want to share with others, especially GenXers and Boomers about my age. I have a lot of experience in mindfulness practices, and I’m a bodysurfer, too. So, I can teach people how to get the right MEDS: Meditation, Exercise, Diet and Sleep. Everyone should feel great.