Vitalogy Movement at
Personal Training Backed by Science
Jim is a Personal Trainer with experience as Physical Therapy Aide and as a Medical Assistant.
My own story is that about age fifty, I was really feeling older. Shorter of breath, pudgy in the middle and weaker all the time. I became interested in medical science, became a Medical Assistant and worked in physical therapy and addiction
recovery. Those experiences taught me that health and happiness was attainable. [MORE. . .]
The right MEDS: Mindfulness, Exercise, Diet, and Sleep
These are the building-blocks of becoming healthier and happier. These bodies are made for moving, for flexible eating patterns (diet), and for times of peace and focus (mindfulness or meditation).
Wherever you start MEDS, it leads to the others. For more wellness outside of Exercise, please visit our sister site, VirusFeliz Health and Wellness.
Why “DeathSlayer?”
Honestly, the human body didn’t evolve to last much more than 40-50 years. But we will not go quietly into that good night!
It is possible to resist Nature’s instance. We do it all the time. We can hold off decline and death, even if we can’t kill death entirely. [MORE. . .]